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Passing of Jack Edwards

Passing of Jack Edwards

Jack Stone29 Jan - 21:47
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Tribute by Chris Whitehouse, with additions from Ian Harris

Jack sadly passed away on Christmas Eve in the “nervous nineties”, in fact he was 93 years young! Jack was an unyielding opening batsman - even Sir Geoffrey would have been proud - who played for the club during the late fifties through to the early seventies. His unyielding style probably had something to do with the Lancastrian grit in his DNA!

Much of the time he was a leading run scorer for the 2nd XI, along with his opening partner and great mate Jack Callingham, but when he was playing regularly for the 1st XI, he became the vice-captain under Les (“Percy”) Pullen.

Jack is seated front row 2nd from left in this picture of the 1st XI who won the Evening Standard trophy in 1966. Jack was very distinctive in his cricketing attire in that he wore top quality “flannels”, as they were referred to back then, that had turn ups and creases as
sharp as a knife!

When Addiscombe were out in the field he patrolled the covers in a sprightly fashion but, when needed, donned the pads & gloves to go behind the stumps, a role that he fulfilled commendably.

A skill that Jack had was as an orator. In the days of Cricket Suppers, he regularly stood up and replied to the guest speaker on behalf of the Club with panache, a trait many of us much admired. Another trait was that he was a friend and colleague to one and all.

On giving up cricket, he joined Croham Hurst Golf Club, reuniting with another of his old mates – Norman Harris – and they both played for the ‘Layabouts’ section of the club, with Jack becoming Captain in 1994. Jack continued playing golf well into his eighties, and was occasionally to be seen in the bar, chatting to his many old friends.

He was a happily married man for over 60 years to Jean, and The Clubs wish to send their condolences to her and to their family.

A thanksgiving service for Jack will be held on Monday 12th February @ 2.30pm at:
All Saint’s Church, Onslow Gardens, Sanderstead, CR2 9AB and afterwards at the Church Hall.

RSVP to Jean – 0208 657 7011, or Sally - - 07774 205870

Further reading